Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A young man learned that what is most important in life from old neighbor of his house ...

A young man learned that what is most important in life from old neighbor of his house ....

Became very time that Jack had not seen his neighbor old. College, girls, career, and life itself, had done such a situation. However, in the course of his busy life, he found time to think about the past, but not so much time to stay with his wife and son. He is investing in its future and nothing can stop.
Through the phone
t, his mother says:
- "Mr. Blesser died last night. The funeral is Wednesday "
Mind immediately flew his childhood.
- "Jack, do you hear me?"
- "Oh, sorry articles. Yes, you heard. A few times I thought to. I'm sorry, but frankly I thought it was long dead. "
"He never forgot. Every day that I looked, he asked for you. I recall with nostalgia the days talking through the fence of the garden, through the yellow line, as he was talking he. "Said the mother.
- "How I loved that old house. You know the mother, who was not in this business, if it were not he? He spent much time learning things that he thought important ... Mom, I will be on the day of the funeral, "said Jack

Although busy that was, Jack kept fjalen.Mori plane first and headed towards the town of birth. Mr funeral. Blesser was small and did not last shume.Nuk had children and many of his relatives had died.
Before returning, Jack and his mother stopped to view it old house close to theirs. Standing at the door, Jack stopped a little. It seemed like I went to another dimension, between time and hapesires.Shtepia was equally as carrying mend.Cdo corner was full of memories, every painting, every ... Jack stopped for a moment.
- "What is Jack?" Asked the mother
- "Box is not" he said
- "What box?"
- "It was a golden colored box that he kept on the table. Can I have asked hundreds of times what was inside. And he had always said that inside was the most important thing for him, and now can not find out what was it so important thing, "said Jack.

It was not me. All the house had remained the same as he thought, except for the box. Would certainly have got any family friend.

Had spent two weeks z death. Blesser.Duke returning home from work, Jack saw a letter in his mail box: "There was a man at home, are required to obtain a firm pako.Ju please to appear within three days in the main mail" read the letter .
Early the next morning, Jack pulled the package. Sender's address drew attention. "Z.Harold Blesser" received the package, he went up in his office and opened it. It was the golden box and a letter above it that read:
"After my death, SEND THIS z box. Jack Bennet "
A small key was at the letter. Heart beating fast and his eyes perloten. Jack carefully step kutine.Brenda it was a pocket gold ore. Slowly opened the lid of the ores and the inside cover was written:
- "Jack, Thanks for the time!
Harold Blesser. "
Thing that was appreciated more ... was ... my time.
Jack kept the clock in hand for a few minutes, then called the secretary and told to cancel meetings for the next two days.
- "Why," asked Janet, his secretary.
- "I need some time to spend with my wife and my son," he said. "And by the way, Janet ... thanks for your time"

Life is not measured by the number of times we breathe but the moments that make us keep the spirit.

Thanks for your time ...

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