Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What does the shape of the nose to the male

What does the shape of the nose to the male

A big nose sign of 'pride' the great and all the male characteristics in the form of the nose.
Urban Legend for big nose and big sexual organ is already broken a long time, however the shape of the nose can be enough to show the character of a man who has it. "The Telegraph" has collected in one place and expert opinions and see how you can evaluate a person by the nose.

Pug male shows calm, practical and reasonable 'always' ready to help those who do. I like to be in the spotlight, which achieves interference fun and funny, but is far less ambitious than others. There adventurous trend in love and in an excellent way of keeping secrets.

Nose butchers have emotional and generous men, who so admirably hide true feelings.
There are more chances that there will remain only for life unless married to forties, at least great lovers. But since like to dominate about exactly this is the biggest obstacle.

Vulture nose men seem persistent, stable and strong, but in fact, it is unsafe for people who can not solve problems themselves. Obnoxious and contentious, think they have the right always. As for connections, draws just sex.

Nose right have men who fall easily. love, worship long, faithful and jealous. Are curious and like to experiment, but also analyze everything, but others experience as punctual. Like to coax women embarrassing, but at the same time are arrogant and belittling people who are weaker

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