Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Strange laws in the world that should not be ignored

Strange laws in the world that should not be ignored

Do you go to visit a state of the world? Have you learned everything about your destination? Here are some strange laws in some states that should not be ignored.

A kiss with her partner, a lighted cigarette or other gesture may be banned in the state where you go. Learn some of the strange laws that should be taken into account.

In Italy do not eat in front of a church square

If you go to Italy careful of where you are before you eat and drink something. In Florence, for example, to eat or drink in front of a church constitutes an infringement. Avoid a fine.

We Fidji republic, do not remove the robes

Fidji Republic is a tropical paradise to spend some wonderful days. Watch out! Do not make the mistake to remove part or all robes because it is illegal and could risk imprisonment.

In San Francisco do not make the mistake to feed pigeons

It is illegal to feed the pigeons in the streets of San Francisco. They think that these birds spread numerous diseases and damage to infrastructure.

If you go to the Maldives do not take the Bible with you

Maldives rites of religions other than Islam are prohibited and is a violation of the law if they found a Bible. Watch out!

Beware of the camera in Kazakhstan

Want to make a last picture with the family at the airport in Kazakhstan? Is prohibited by law. Photos at the airport and around it are prohibited.

In France carry with them a etilometer

In France drivers are allowed to carry a measuring alcohol in their car. If caught without this tool will not need to pay 11 euro. Are tourists or French citizen, the law applies to all.

Do not kiss and embrace in United Arab Emirates

If you show love in public when you are in the United Arab Emirates will get caught by the police and put in jail. Mënjanojini how to overcome or let the room kissing and caress.

In Greece not to remove his trousers

Although it may seem strange if you remove the pants in a public place in Greece not only you can get big fines but can also be sentenced to prison.

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