Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Folly Triumph Gezimi Envy Sorrow Shame and Love ...

Folly Triumph Gezimi Envy Sorrow Shame and Love ...

Madness decided to challenge the all friends for coffee.
Once you drink coffee, Folly proposed: "play kukafshehti?"
-Kukafshehti? And what is it? - Asked curiosity.

Kukafshehti a game. I count up to 100 and you hide.

When you finish counting, you ask, and the first you will find will be the one next to count.

All accepted but fear and laziness.

-1,2,3 .., And folly started to count.

Hid the first acceleration, which was able to find.

Shame, as always ashamed, hid among the trees.

Joy, and ran in the middle of the garden.

Sorrow, began to weep because it can not find a suitable place to hide.

Envy joined Triumph and hid near him behind a rock.

Folly continue to count while her friends are hiding.

Despair was desperate seeing that madness was already 99-100 called out folly and began to seek.

The first that was discovered was curiosity, because I can not hold back yourself from the anxiety of who discovered first. Folly looked doubt over a fence who do not know from which side of the fence to go.

And so on found joy, sadness, Turpin. When all were assembled, Curiosity asked:

-Where is the Love? Nobody had pare.Marrezia continued to seek, went up and the top of the mountain, near the river, behind rocks. But did not find love.

By searching gjitheandej folly without a pile of bushes, took a stick and began to open subsidiary of shkurreve.Ne a moment was heard a shouting. Was Love who yelled, as the rod had entered the eye. Folly did not know what to do. Apologized, begged love to forgive, even promised and that will always accompany. We finally forgave love. Today, love is blind and mad accompanies everywhere ...

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