It's really amazing, after adding a lot of curiosity and covered by the raiment of mystery to what might be located behind it, or in it!
Imagine watching this "luvgji" scary showered, led by you?!
It would be wrong if we say that we are dealing with an "attack" Extraterrestrials?! Certainly are not the first to confuse this with a new extraterrestrial spaceship, which has come to "visit" the earth!
In reality, we are dealing with a lenticularis altocumulus, otherwise known as a new lens shape.
Is not it wonderful?!
But, on the other hand, the question arises;
- What's new lens shape?
In many cases, the lens clouds confuse with UFOs or extraterrestrial activities! Clouds lens, have a form of "soft" completely contrary to the usual clouds and the way in which they are positioned in the air, and form their position adds more mystery!
Maybe some of you can not ever watch new lenses, while the rest can watch several times.
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