Thursday, October 4, 2012

Strange discovery in the bottom of the Baltic Sea

Sea explorers have discovered an object in the form of "UFO" at the bottom of the Baltic Sea and say that their electrical equipment does not work when they stood on the subject.

Professional diver Stefan Hogerborn member of "Ocean X" has made this statement, saying that some of the cameras and satellite phones do not work when they were directly on the strange shape that does not know that the constituency be.

Equipment began to work only when the staff left about 200 meters and again when they came back they stopped working. So this was a sure test shprehete diver Hogerborn.

The group felt that such theories can not exist, but now that we tried many times they can not imagine such a situation led them to think that might be a meteorite or an asteroid, or a volcano, or a base ship of the Cold War, or a UFO ...

The object was discovered last May, but now became known as nukl had funds for its verification. The team has made ​​some pictures and now the company is trying to attract tourists to go there and prove this theory that the team found.

But dihes that the Baltic Sea is a "mine" or thesai sunken ships from shipping hunters. Thought to be 100 000 items in the bottom of the sea.

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