![Photo: Doni ta dini se ku gjendet i afermi juaj gjate nje fluturimit ne kohe reale ...? Tani nje adrese e re ne internet nga ku ju mund te ndiqni online avionet qe fluturojne ne qiejt e planetit tone.Ne se nje i afermi juaj eshte nisur nga Nju-York per ne Tirane ose nga Tirana per ne Athine,se pari duhet te me njohur orarin e fluturimi,atehere kliko mbi kete adrese,dhe shume lehte mund te gjesh avionin ku i afermi juaj gjendet,vendi mbi te cilen ndodhet,shpejtesine dhe lartesine e avionit dhe shume te dhena te tjera. Kjo arrihet duke klikuar mbi avionin qe na intereson,dhe ne krahun e majte te monitorit tuaj shfaqet nje tabele me te dhenat perkatse.Ju ngelet te lundroni mbi kete adrese dhe dhe do te mahniteni me gamen e madhe te fluturimeve dhe te dhenat personale per cdo fluturim. Adresa eshte http://www.flightradar24.com/](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/c0.0.275.275/p403x403/229343_511533792191380_49613195_n.jpg)
Now a new address in the internet from where you can follow online aircraft flying in the skies of the planet tone.Ne that one of your relatives is launched from New York to Tirana or from Tirana to Athens, must firstknown flight schedule, then click on this url, and can easily find where your relatives are plane, the land on which it is located, the speed and altitude of the aircraft, and many other data.
This is achieved by clicking on the plane that interests us, and on the left side of your monitor displayed a table with data perkatse.Ju remains navigate on this url and and be amazed with the great range of flights and personal data for each flight.
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