Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Unearthed in China vampire monkey (Demosndulus rotundidus)

Unearthed in China vampire monkey (Demosndulus rotundidus)

Vampire monkey!
Chinese language says: Monkey Chinese Vampire
In Latin is called: Demosndulus rotundidus

Description of this species: Chinese vampire monkeys, are special and very rare, as only fed with blood!
There are only three races ape world vampires who feed on blood: ordinary monkey vampires, Demosndulus rotundidus, hairy butts vampire monkeys, Vampire (Dilphyllas equicaudata) and vampire monkey with long tails, Vampire (Demoniaemus youngidus).

All three monkeys type vampire, living in China.
Living in their natural environments and are considered highly intelligent, using simple tools and sound communication and complex social structure as other monkeys. Also, are carnivorous. In their natural environment, they are at the top of the food chain.
All three races were similar vampire apes, usually feed on blood and share a common ancestor.
All monkeys vampire, create their nests hanging on the trees, which are built with tree branches, sand and their saliva, in contradiction with any other breed.
Vampire monkeys, must be fed at least once a week with blood to survive. If you can not find blood, then approach with another monkey vampire, requiring blood transfusion. Exchanged blood, mouth to mouth, an action which resembles a kiss. Vampire monkey, lives up to 28 years in nature, cheap, and can live up to 38 years in isolation.

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