Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ports that kills memory, memory Causes BLACK OUT

This experience is common: entering a room and suddenly do not remember for what came in the room or what we ask for.
Photo: PORTA QE VRET MEMORJEN, SI SHKAKTOHET BLACK OUT I KUJTESES  Eksperienca eshte e perbashket: Hyjme ne nje dhome dhe papritur nuk kujtohemi per cfare erdhem ne dhome ose cfare kerkojme. Tashme nje kerkim shkencor hedh drite te re mbi kete “black out” te papritur dhe irritues; fakti qe po kalon permes nje porte krijon ne lloj ”kufiri mental” i afte te “gelltise” kujtimin. Studimi u krye nga psikologe te universitetit te Notre Dame te udhehequr nga Gabriel Radvansky, te cilet tregojne si shkak te fenomenit faktin qe kalon permes nje porte. “Te hysh ose te dalesh nga nje dere, shpjegon Radvansky ne Journal of Experimental Psychology, formon ne mendje nje lloj “kufiri” te ngjarjeve, qe ve ne levizje nje proces te magazinimit te pavullnetshem te mendimeve. Pra, duke rithirrur vendimin ose aktivitetin qe po zhvillohej ne dhomen tjeter eshte e veshtire sepse ishte futur poshte ne memorje”, ne nje ndarje te sakte. Ekspertet kane arritur ne keto konkluzione pas tre eksperimeteve te ndryshme, te kryer mbi nje grup studentesh te cileve i’u kerkua te kujtonin disa mendime duke ecur ne nje dhome ose duke kalaur nga nje ambjent ne nje tjeter te shtepise. Testi i pare eshte realizuar me ndihmen e realitetit virtual, i dyti ne nje banese te vertete dhe i treti per te verifikuar, sic kishin sygjeruar studimet e meparshme, nese nuk eshte me e lehte te kujtosh mendime te cilet jane formuar ne nje vend te percaktuar, duke u kthyer pikersisht ne ate vend. Por nuk kishte asgje per te bere: Radvansky dhe ekipi o tij kane verifikuar se te kujtosh nje mednim duke u kthyer ne te njejtin vend ku u formua, sherben pak, nese subjekti ka kaluar permes nje dere. Fakt qe ka konfirmuar teorine; nje porte eshte nje lloj “kufiri mental” qe truri yne krijon automatikisht, nga te cilat kujtimet dalin me veshtiresi.Already a scientific research sheds new light on this "black out" unexpected and exasperating; fact that is passing through a gate creates kind of "mental border" able to "swallow" the memory.
The study was conducted by psychologists at the University of Notre Dame led by Gabriel Radvansky, who show due to the fact that the phenomenon passes through a gate.
"Enter or leave by a door, Radvansky explains in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, forms in mind a kind of" boundary "of the events that set in motion a process of involuntary storage of thoughts.
So rithirrur decision or activity that was taking place in another room is difficult because it was put down to memory ", in a correct division.
Experts have reached these conclusions after three different experiments, conducted on a group of students whose i'u asked to recall some thoughts walking into a room or kalaur from one environment to another home.
The first test was conducted with the help of virtual reality, the second in a real house, and the third to verify, as previous studies had suggested, if it is not easy to remember which opinions are formed in a specified place , returning pikersisht in that country.
But there was nothing to be done: Radvansky and his team o have verified that to remember a mednim getting back in the same place where it was formed, serves little, if the subject has gone through a door. A fact that has been confirmed theory; ports is a kind of "mental border" that our brain creates automatically, from which memories emerge with difficulty.

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