Wednesday, October 3, 2012

"Things you should not say at the moment when I wake up"

Many people in the morning I not endure a few words, just waking up in the morning. Who are some of them:

... How are you?
I'm not the best, it was made ​​almost 24 years that morning said the same thing

Dreamed ... What?
I do not remember, I was asleep

... Have you seen my kemishien thing?
Yes, it is washed, ironed, folded and placed in stol.Po joke may be where you left yesterday.

... A kiss?
But here you have the right to kiss and we will talk later, and so in the morning would be better.

... Ado serve me a coffee?
Will you give them drink then

... Do you need even more room bathroom to do makeup?

... You back later?
I do not remember whether I sleep or not? You tell me are you back later

... How about we go to the restaurant tonight?
Not tonight will be back in 18: 15 and will sleep sleep. The same thing will do and the rest of my life.

Beautiful ... How I somewhat pajamas?
There are pajamas ....

... What are you doing today?

Eehh do not know but I think I go up to Alaska ...
In fact, in the morning should not talk more in February. Suffice to say, see you tonight.

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